Video Poker Pay Tables

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Understanding how video poker pay tables work is the first step in becoming a
smart gambler-at least if you like gambling machines. How much money you get as
a payout for each hand is the determining factor for the overall payback
percentages for the VP machines.

The goal of this page is to explain what a payback percentage on a gambling
machine is, how the payback table on a video poker game determines that
percentage, and what all of this means to your gambling bankroll.

Video Poker game variants do of course come with many different structures, pay tables and occasionally optional bonus games, the most common one being the gamble game. However, when it comes to picking and then playing any type of Video Poker games, you should only opt to play those variants which offer you the more generous paybacks. Video Poker Paytables Listed below are links for various paytables for the most common video poker games. You can print them out and take them with you into the casino to help you find the best-paying video poker machines.

What Is a Payback Percentage?

We’ve explained on other pages of our site what the house edge is and how it

But we’ll cover it again briefly here, because it relates strongly to a
gambling machine’s payback percentage.

The house edge is a theoretical percentage of each bet that a gambler
mathematically expects to lose over the long term.

Here’s an example:

In roulette, the house edge is 5.26%. This means that if you place enough
bets (thousands+), you can expect to lose $5.26 for every $100 you wager.

In the short run, anything can happen. You might bet on a single number and
hit, winning 35 to 1 on your money. More likely, you’ll miss, and you’ll lose
100% of your bet.

But if you average out your losses over an extremely large number of spins,
you’ll eventually start getting close to the theoretical average.


Gambling writers use house edge when talking about table games.

But when they talk about gambling machines, they talk about payback

This is the expected percentage of each bet that you’ll win back over a lot
of trials.

One of the reasons for this distinction is because table games pay off at X
to Y odds, while gambling machines pay at X for Y odds.

Here’s what that means:

If you bet $100 on a single number at the roulette table and win, you get
paid $3500. That’s 35 to 1. You keep your original bet and get the winnings on
top of it.

But if you buy $100 in credit on a slot machine or video poker machine and
wager that entire amount on a single spin or hand, you don’t get your wager
back. It’s included in the winnings.

Here’s an example of that:

You bet $100 on a hand of video poker and get a pair of jacks. That payoff on
that hand is 1 for 1, which means you win $100.

But you don’t get your original $100 back.

It’s gone.

In other words, the lowest paying hand in video poker is a break-even

As a result, when you talk about gambling machines, you talk about payback

If a slot machine has a 96% payback percentage, you can expect to win back 96
cents for every dollar you wager over time.

The Big Difference Between Slot Machines and Video Poker

Slot machines and video poker are remarkably similar. Both games deal with
combinations of symbols on a payline. Both games have payouts for specific

The difference is that on a video poker game, we can calculate the
probability of getting a certain hand. That’s because video poker bases its
random number generator on a deck of cards.

We know the possibilities available with a deck of cards:

  • You have a 1 in 52
    chance of getting a specific card.
  • You have a 1 in 13
    chance of getting a card of a specific rank.
  • You have a 1 in 4
    chance of getting a card of a specific suit.

But on a slot machine game, you have no way of knowing the probability of
getting a specific symbol. It could be 1 in 10, 1 in 20, or 1 in 200.

If you know how much a result pays off, you can compare that with the
probability of getting that result to get an expected return for that

Here’s an example:

In jacks or better, you win 1 for 1 if you get a pair of jacks or higher.
You’ll see that hand roughly 20% of the time, so the expected value for that
hand is about 20 cents on the dollar.

You can calculate that for every possible outcome, including outcomes where
you win nothing (50% of the time). Add those numbers together, and you have the
theoretical expected return (payback percentage) for that pay table.

On slot machines, you’re missing that crucial piece of information-the

This is the big advantage video poker has over slot machines.

The secondary advantage is that video poker payouts are almost always better
than slot machine payouts.

An average video poker game has a payout percentage of 96% or higher.

An average slot machine game has a payout percentage of 95% or lower.

You’ll rarely find a video poker game with a payback percentage lower than

But it’s easy to find slots with payback percentages in the 75% – 80% range.
Just visit a bar, a supermarket, or an airport in Las Vegas.

The Importance of Strategy and How It Relates to Video Poker Pay Tables

The other thing to keep in mind about video poker is that the expected return
for a game assumes you’re playing each hand correctly. When you decide which
cards to discard and which ones to keep, you’re making 1 of 32 decisions. And
only one of those decisions has the highest expected return.

Here’s a super-simplified explanation of that:

Suppose you have a hand which includes a pair of jacks, but it also includes
4 cards to a royal flush.

The pair of jacks is a 100% winner of even money.

To fill the royal flush, you only have 1 card out of 47 which can fill your
hand. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll call that 2%.

But if you hit the royal flush, you’ll win 800 for 1.

Would you rather have a 100% chance of winning $1, or a 2% chance of winning

The mathematically correct say to make that decision is to multiply the odds
of winning by the size of the jackpot. That’s your expected return for that

In this case, 100% X $1 is an expected value of $1.

2% X $800 is an expected return of $16.

Since $16 is clearly more than $1, the choice if obvious.

The reason we call this example “super-simplified” is because it doesn’t
account for the possibility of getting other hands.

If you keep the pair, you also have the possibility of getting 3 of a kind, 4
of a kind, or a full house.

If you keep the royal flush, you also have the possibility of getting a high
pair again on the draw.

But the odds of those are so small that you can safely ignore them. Drawing
to the royal flush is correct in this case.

Also, any video poker strategy must be simplified to a point where you can
remember it.

You’ll find more about video poker strategy in our comprehensive guide.

Specific Pay Tables for Specific VP Games

We obviously can’t list all the possible pay tables for every possible video
poker game on a single page. But we can provide some specific examples to
illustrate the concepts you need to be familiar with.

We’ll start with a classic pay table for Jacks or Better video poker:

Coins/Hands1 coin2 coins3 coins4 coins5 coins
Royal flush25050075010004000*
Straight flush50100150200250
4 of a kind255075100125
Full house918273645
3 of a kind3691215
2 pairs246810
Jacks or better12345

The columns list the payoffs for how many coins you’ve wagered if you get a
specific hand. All the payoffs save one are multiplied by the number of coins
you’ve wagered. That’s an important distinction.

The royal flush is the top hand in almost all video poker variations. The
games are programmed to pay off at 800 for 1 for that hand, but only if you
wagered 5 coins on the hand. If you wager fewer than 5 coins, the payoff for
that hand is only 250 for 1.


This has a huge effect on your bottom line. In fact, it’s the first rule of
video poker strategy:

This isn’t true for most slot machine games-although it is true for some.

But it’s always true for video poker games.

Video poker pay tables by casino

You give up so much expected value for paying for fewer coins that you’re
always better off playing for 5 coins at lower stakes than playing for 1, 2, 3,
or 4 coins at higher stakes.

The other thing to notice about the Jacks or Better pay table is the payoff
for the full house and the flush. You’ll notice that the full house pays off at
9 for 1, and the flush pays off at 6 for 1.

On most Jacks or Better video games, the only variables on the pay table are
those 2 hands. In fact, this specific pay table is called a 9/6 Jacks or Better
pay table. An 8/5 Jacks or Better game has the same payouts on all the hands
except those two, which pay off at 8 for 1 and 5 for 1 respectively instead.

You can find other variations, but they’re rare enough that most people don’t
worry about that.

But here’s the key number for a 9/6 Jacks or Better game:


That’s the payback percentage if you’re playing with correct strategy on
every hand.

This means the house edge for this game is only 0.46%. That’s better than
almost any other game in the casino. It’s even better than the house edge for
blackjack, which hovers around 1% at most casinos.

The payback percentage for this game drops dramatically as the payoffs chance
for Jacks or Better:

  • 8/5 Jacks or Better pays
    off at 97.3%.
  • 7/5 Jacks or Better pays
    off at 96.15%.
  • 6/5 Jacks or Better pays
    off at 95%.

How the Payback Percentage Affects Your Bottom Line

Casino managers and game designers like to forecast what kind of money a
specific game will make them over time.

As luck would have it, the math for this is easy enough that even someone
like me (and you) can understands it.

You simply multiply the average bet size by the number of bets per hour to
get the amount of action the game sees per hour.

You multiply that number by the house edge to get the amount the casino
expects to win (and you expect to lose) per hour.

Let’s use the Jacks or Better games above as examples of how this works:

An average Jacks or Better player probably gets in 600 hands per hour. (It’s
a fast-paced game.)

Let’s assume you’re playing a dollar machine at max coin, so you’re putting
$5 into action per hand.

This means you’re putting $3000 per hour into action.

On a full-pay (9/6) game, you’re expected to lose 0.46% X $3000, or $13.80.

That’s not bad for an hour of entertainment at a casino.

Deduct the cost of a couple of free premium liquor drinks from the cocktail
waitress, and you’re playing a close to even money game.

But how much can you expect to lose per hour on the 8/5 game?

The house edge for this pay table is 2.7%, which means you’re expected to
lose $81 per hour.

That’s a huge difference in your bottom line.

Play the 6/5 game, and you’re expected to lose $150 per hour.

And that’s still a better deal than most slot machines.


You can find pay tables for individual video poker games on the game guides
page on this site. We also offer specific strategy advice to help you get close
to the expected return for those games.

If something about our explanation of these concepts (pay tables, payback
percentages, and payouts) wasn’t clear, please contact us and let us know so
that we can update this page accordingly.

Although most amateur video poker players do not realize it, pay tables play a huge role in the profitability of a video poker machine. In fact, when you are comparing two machines that offer identical games/rules, the pay tables (or 'return tables') are the only way that the two machines' payouts can differ.

Fortunately for us, all video poker machines display their respective pay table right on the terminal. This is useful because if you know the game you are playing and the pay table the machine is using, you can calculate the max payout percentage for the machine.

If this max payout percentage is over 100%, then the game can be profitable. If it is below 100%, then the game is a guaranteed loser, and you can just walk away and find a better opportunity.

We've taken the time to analyze dozens of pay tables for the most common video poker games, and have also calculated the max payout percentages for all of them. Below is a full list of the games/pay tables we have analyzed. Click any of the links to see the common pay tables for that respective game, along with the payout percentages for each return table.

Five Quick Facts about Pay Tables

If you are new to video poker and would like a quick primer on pay tables, read on:

Fact #1 - Bet More for Better Odds

Video Poker Pay Tables

Almost every video poker machine allows you to bet between one and five coins per hand. If you look at the payouts for one coin, two coins, three coins, four coins, and five coins, they all increase proportionally except for the Royal Flush. The Royal Flush increases disproportionately from the four coin bet to the five coin bet.

Understanding Video Poker Pay Tables

As you can see in the Royal Flush payouts above, the one coin-four coin bets all increase by 250/coin. However, the five coin bet increases to 4,000 coins. This makes five coin bets a much better gamble than a one-four coin bet, and usually adds between 1-2% to the total payback of the machine.

Fact #2 - Pay Tables Differ for Different Games

This is common sense for advanced video poker players, but is not common knowledge for a new player. If two different machines offer the exact same pay tables they will still have different payout percentages. The reason for this is because different games employ different rules. For example, a Deuces Wild game declares that all twos are wild, while twos are just normal cards in Jacks or Better. Therefore, a pay table that is favorable in Deuces Wild will probably be very poor for Jacks or Better because there are no wild cards.

Fact #3 - Tables can be Deceptive

Some of the pay tables that machines use are downright deceptive. For example, here are two pay tables offered for Deuces Wild games - which one do you think is better?

Table #1PayoutTable #2Payout
Natural Royal Flush800Natural Royal Flush800
Four Deuces200Four Deuces200
Wild Royal Flush25Wild Royal Flush25
Five of a Kind15Five of a Kind16
Straight Flush9Straight Flush10
Four of a Kind5Four of a Kind4
Full House3Full House4
Three of a Kind1Three of a Kind1

Table #2 looks much better, doesn't it? It pays more for Five of a Kind, Straight Flushes, Full Houses, and Flushes. However, Table #1 is actually a better gamble because of the higher Four of a Kind payout. Table #1 pays out a maximum of 100.76%, and Table #2 pays out a maximum of only 99.73%. This goes to show that pay tables can be deceptive, and you should always use a calculator or check the numbers on our site to be sure.

Fact #4 - Pay Tables cause Volatility

Another little known fact about pay tables is that they are the cause of volatility. If a table is 'top heavy' meaning that a lot of the expected return lies in the bigger, rarer payouts, the machine will be very volatile as you lose quickly while waiting to hit a big hand. If a table is balanced, meaning that the expected return is spread throughout the payouts, the machine will be much smoother and have fewer swings.

Fact #5 - Casinos Change Tables

This is another one to watch out for when you are at the casino. Casino managers are always monitoring the take on the video poker machines, and if they notice a machine isn't earning enough money, they will tighten up the pay table to increase the house edge. Even if you played a good machine the day before, check it before playing again to make sure it has the same pay table and hasn't been modified to pay out less.